can supply you with a system no matter what your requirements. A single cash register to a supermarket type checkout system utilizing bar coding and advanced management software.
offers you one thing that you WILL NOT get anywhere else! A1 service and support. We believe that without having this backup there is no point selling!
Unlike 99.9% of other suppliers we offer everything from design to cabling to fitting to final training.
Rest assured that you are in good hands from A to Z. We WILL NOT make you run around to get sub contractors unless you want to. When asked to do something, we will NOT pass the buck! Because we all have seen, all to often, the problems of support failure.
Here's a typical scenario :
your back office system goes down
call software support, they say ' it is not to do with their software, call system supplier '
system supplier says ' it may be a wiring or loose cable problem '
cable company says ' no, maybe network configuration problem '
system supplier says may be a software issue, get update from hardware supplier
hardware and software supplier says 'you already have latest update!'
go back to step 3
going nuts yet ????
will supply and service EVERYTHING from TILLs to CABLES to SOFTWARE to HARDWARE, so who can we pass you onto ??? NO ONE! That's 100% we can not pass the buck on. We have to sort it and get you back up and managing!
Peace of mind
Our ePOS systems can be linked to your CCTV system for total security and peace of mind. there is nothing worst than suspicion of staff dishonesty. We also supply suitable CCTV systems.
The affects of Till Fraud - It happens more than you think
Did you know?
Retail Crime in the UK is estimated at well above the £1/2 billion mark per year.
80% of retail fraud is at point of sale - till fraud
Research shows that 25% of employees are totally honest, 25% are totally dishonest, and the remaining 50% are swayed by opportunity
Retail businesses lose an average of 1% to retail fraud each year
Many staff do not regard consuming goods or taking goods for personal use as theft, but as perks of the job
Categories of till fraud:
Sweethearting - An accomplice ('sweetheart') presents expensive items for purchase. The till operator rings up the items - but at a lower price, or the till operator fails to register items altogether. This type of loss shows up later as 'stock shrinkage'.
Substitute Scanning - Where checkouts are equipped with bar-code scanning devices, the operator passes two items over the scanning device at one time so that only one item is recorded, (normally the low value item).
Returns and Refunds - Items of stock are removed from the shelves in a food store and presented to the check out for refund. Cash is paid to an accomplice (sweetheart) or to the till operator.
No Sales/Void - 'No sales' purchases accumulate a cash surplus in the till, which is then removed by the end of the shift. 'No sales' should be exceptional items, and should be checked, in particular towards the end of the shift. This however makes heavy demands on management time - which gives rogue staff the opportunity they are looking for. Voids are a variation of 'no sale', with a genuine purchase cancelled after the client had left the premises. The surplus is removed from the till by shift end.
for further information please email with your requirements